Piscataway Township Marijuana Possession Attorney
A high number of marijuana possession summonses and complaints are issued every year in Piscataway. There are a number of explanations for this circumstances including the fact that over 50,000 individuals residing in Piscataway Township, including thousands of students of Rutgers University. The biggest percentage of these charges involve possession of 50 grams or less under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(4). There are also many cases involving fourth degree possession of more than 50 grams pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(3). Either one of these offenses can have a significant affect on your life as a conviction will leave you with, at a minimum, a criminal record and six months suspension of your driver’s license. An attorney who is highly experienced in defending possession of marijuana can be instrumental in escaping consequences like these. We can offer you a team of former prosecutors and skilled criminal attorneys who have been practicing for 100 plus years combined. A lawyer is prepared to go over the details of your summons and offer his thoughts regarding the best way to defend you. For a free consultation call 732-562-0308.

Marijuana Charge in Piscataway NJ
All possession charges involving marijuana arising out of 2C:35-10. This law makes it unlawful to “possession, use or being under the influence” marijuana in Piscataway or anywhere else in Middlesex County. If you possess CDS in the form of marijuana in violation of 2C:35-10, the severity of the penalties you face will hinge on the amount in terms of grams that was involved. It is a disorderly persons offense under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(4) to possess 50 grams or less. This violation results in up to 6 months in jail and/or probation, fines and financial assessments that can exceed $1,000 and a mandatory suspension of your driving privileges for 6 months. The driver’s license suspension can escalate to 24 months if you are convicted of possession of CDS in a motor vehicle (e.g. car) in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-49.1. When the possession involves more than 50 grams, a conviction for possession is a fourth degree crime. This grade of marijuana possession carries maximum penalties that include 18 months in state prison and a $10,000 fine. It should also be kept in mind that your case will not be heard in Piscataway Municipal Court if you have been charged with fourth degree possession as this is considered a felony. Offenses that are indictable felonies are referred to the Superior Court in New Brunswick and this is where your case will be decided if you possessed more than 50 grams.
Piscataway Attorney For Possession of Marijuana Offense
Whether you are a Rutgers Student, someone just passing through Piscataway, or you were just someone caught with marijuana in their car, an attorney at our firm can help you. We have defended thousands of 2C:35-10 offenses and bring a wealth of knowledge to every possession of marijuana charge that we defend. We also happen to possess decades of experience appearing in and handling cases arising in Piscataway Township. For a free consultation, call our attorneys at 732-562-0308.