Drug Possession
Piscataway Drug Possession Attorney
The largest number of drug cases in Piscataway involve personal possession. N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 is the law that applies to this charge whether the controlled dangerous substance (“CDS”) is marijuana, cocaine, heroin or something else. There are multiple problems that a possession offense can cause include the fact that it will leave you with a felony criminal record and exposure to a state prison term if the drug is anything other than marijuana. Our attorneys have been practicing in the Piscataway Municipal Court and the Middlesex County Superior Court for several decades now. If you were arrested for a third degree or fourth degree possession of CDS, call our office to speak to one of our former prosecutors or highly experienced criminal lawyers. The consultation is without any obligation on your part and we are available 24/7 at 732-562-0308.

Piscataway Township CDS Possession Charge
In accordance with N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 you are guilty of possession if knowingly possessed a controlled dangerous substance without a valid prescription. The term “possession” is defined under 2C:35-10 to include not only direct or actual possession, but also that which is “constructive”. An individual is in constructive possession of drugs when he/she is aware of their presence and has both the ability and intent to exercise control over the CDS sometime in the future. The most common example is where narcotics are found in an individual’s car. The owner of the vehicle is not the only individual exposed to a N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10 offense, the principal of constructive possession extends a possession violation to anyone in the car who intended to control the CDS. Conversely, an individual can successfully defend this charge if he/she had no knowledge or intention to control the drug(s).
As previously stated, anything other than a weed offense involves an indictable felony offense. Fourth degree possession can result in as much as 18 months in state prison. The maximum fine is $15,000. A third degree charge for possession exposes an individual to a fine of up to $35,000 and a jail term that can reach 5 years. When the violation occurs within 1,000 feet of school property, an additional penalty in the form of at least 100 hours of community service must also be imposed. Sentencing for possession of CDS must also include a driver’s license suspension of at least 6 months.
Call Our Piscataway Drug Possession Lawyers For Immediate Assistance
Our Piscataway defense firm possesses the manpower and skills you need to defend your possession offense. With over 100 years of combined experience, our team of attorneys has seen just about everything you can think of when it comes to successfully defending a possession case involving heroin, prescription drugs, cocaine, MDMA or another drug. We welcome the opportunity to review the facts of your case in a free consultation and give you our insight as to how we would go about defending your charge. Call us now at 732-562-0308 for assistance.